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With a vision of intelligence and security, along with our Lascar platform, we provide cybersecurity protection to companies in all areas where technology plays a fundamental role.

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The Lascar Platform

Automated Plaform

No intervention from technology experts is required. In a few easy steps, the platform will allow you to effectively monitor and manage security events having a comprehensive digital security coverage.

Powerful Anti-Phishing

Lascar includes a powerful Anti-Phishing system that protects you against phishing attacks and keeps your organization secure.

Real-Time Updates

Stay informed with real-time updates on security events and threats through our platform.

Internal Intelligence

Access an Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) platform that helps you gather valuable information for security decision-making.

Strategic Advisory

 In addition to technology, our experts offer strategic advisory services to ensure robust and tailored security solutions.

Digital Fortress

We create a true digital fortress for our clients, ensuring the protection of their digital assets.

Intelligence & Security

Intelligence is increasingly necessary for organizations since their environment is continually changing, and at increasing speed. This change is produced by the advancement of society, politics, the economy and information and communication technology.

In the area of Security , threats have increased due to the increasing use of digital space, which generates a need for dual protection (physical space and digital space), but also for knowledge and anticipation, which can only be addressed through of intelligence.

In Andes Intelligence ,  we have designed a cybersecurity platform designed and supported by a professional team with sold experience in the Intelligence & Security area, which provides valuable information for our customer managers.

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